Frequently Asked Questions
Are you the City?
Not quite, though we understand how that can be confusing! Although we are a leveraged partner and work very closely with the city of Cincinnati’s many different departments, we are a separate, 501c3 non-profit organization.
There is illegal dumping on my street, how do I get it removed?
You can either call 311 and report it, or you can download the app from the app store or google play and report it there.
I have evidence/footage of someone illegally dumping. What do I do with it?
You can submit it to the Hamilton County Environmental Sheriff by filling out the form at: Environmental Crimes Task Force | Hamilton County Environmental Services, OH.
How do I get monitoring of an area that experiences chronic illegal dumping?
Fill out the dumping hotspot reporting form and we will look into putting up cameras. (Note: Filling out the form does not guarantee cameras will be installed. We are limited on resources and have to prioritize the highest dumped areas.)
Do you monitor private property for illegal dumping?
We cannot monitor private property (i.e. dumpsters in shopping areas, private lots, etc.). We focus on public lots, streets, and right-of-ways.
I need service hours, can I get mine signed off if I volunteer with KCB?
Of course! We can sign off on verified work hours conducted through KCB programming. Please contact Megan Beck, Volunteer Programs Director! (megan@keepcincinnatibeautiful.org)
How can I get my school group involved in a cleanup/activity?
To participate in our Tree the CRC program fill out this form. If you’d like to host a cleanup on your school or organization campus/ neighborhood, fill out this form. For any other inquiries, contact the Applied Learning Coordinator, Caroline, here!
There’s graffiti on my street/property, how do I get it removed?
Graffiti on public property (such as street poles, or infrastructure in the right-of-way) can be reported to the city for removal. You can open a request for city services by calling 311 (or 513-765-1212 from outside the city), or by using the 311 Cincy website and mobile app.
If the graffiti is on private property, removal is the responsibility of the property owner. Products such as Goo-Gone, Graffiti Safewipes, and Mr. Clean Erasers work well to remove small tags on some surfaces. Spray paint in the original color of the surface painted works great for coverup. Additionally, for bigger, unwanted graffiti on personal property, pressure washers work great. When all else fails, paint thinner or acetone can work in some cases too. We'd be happy to provide some small cleanup kits to those in need if you have some unwanted tags to remove. Please contact us at info@keepcincinnatibeautiful.org.
How do I get a bulk item picked up/my trash can needs replaced/report a pothole, etc?
You can open a request for many city services, 24/7, by calling 311 (or 513-765-1212 from outside the city), or by using the 311 Cincy website and mobile app on the app store or google play.
How do I get a mural in my community?
Let us know if you have a particularly “troubled” location in mind by emailing Claire Bryson, Arts Program Co-Director (Claire@KeepCincinnatiBeautiful.org) and we can help connect you with the resources and creative expertise. Also check out our Mural Toolkit to understand best practices in how to execute your own community mural.
Where do you work?
Due to the nature of our work and our funding, our primary work focus is within Cincinnati City limits. We do provide resources and any help possible to folks in the tri-state area as well.
Who to contact for an interview or school project?
Contact the Applied Learning Coordinator, Caroline Cain, here!
Can I borrow/rent tools from KCB for a project?
Our friends over at Cincinnati Toolbank provide this wonderful resource! Tools and supplies are rented out to local non-profit and charitable organizations for a nominal fee.
Grant/funding opportunities?
In partnership with the City of Cincinnati, the Safe and Clean Neighborhood Fund is accepting applications for the upcoming May 10th, 2024 deadline. Please visit the Safe and Clean Program page to learn more!
When is the next Safe and Clean application deadline?
The Safe and Clean application deadline is the second Friday of January, May, and September. Please refer to the guidelines here for additional information.