Adopt A Spot
Is there a place in your neighborhood that could use some extra care? Adopt-A-Spot by cleaning littered curbs, sidewalks, and vacant lots; cutting grass and high weeds; planting flowers; removing signs from utility poles; reporting graffiti, and other activities.
Any individual or organized group or business may participate! Individuals, organizations, or businesses can adopt an area together. All adopted spots must be on public property or in the public right-of-way including traffic islands, city-owned vacant lots, and the right of way between the curb and the sidewalk. We provide you supplies, materials, and an official sign recognizing your efforts.
Team Building
Looking for a way to meet your corporate social responsibility goals?
We provide private team-building opportunities for sponsors that are exclusively planned to meet your needs as well as the needs of the community. Sponsorship amounts are determined based on your group's size. Together, we've been able to spearhead a variety of impactful projects over the years, giving Cincinnati neighborhoods that extra helping hand when they need it most.
We will plan a full-scale and all-inclusive volunteer project for your group during the cleanup season (March-November). We select a neighborhood, establish a focus area, and build a detailed project list with input from the community stakeholders. We take into consideration your group's needs in terms of size, duration of the event, time of year, location, activities, and any other special requests. We provide all of the tools and supplies needed for the day of the event and help lead your group to accomplish the project tasks.
To get your team involved, contact us for more information. or call 513-352-4385